On Friday, October 22, 2020, my team and I embarked on a memorable journey from Sleman to Kudus City, famously known as Bumi Muria. The trip was filled with enriching experiences, including a visit to the renowned Rumah Jenang Kudus Mubarok and a pilgrimage to the tomb of Sunan Muria.
Upon arriving in Kudus, we were greeted with unmatched hospitality by the extended family of Jenang Kudus Mubarok. Pak Hilmy, the third-generation owner of this iconic brand, graciously hosted us at their guesthouse, making us feel like part of their family. Their warmth extended to the culinary delights they shared, including an array of Jenang Kudus products from PT Mubarokfood Cipta Delicia.
As night fell, we embarked on a spiritual journey to Bukit Muria to visit the Sunan Muria tomb. Despite heavy rain, strong winds, and lightning, the vibrant atmosphere at the tomb was truly humbling, leaving a lasting impression on all of us.
The following day, Pak Hilmy personally guided us through the Jenang Kudus Mubarok Museum. The museum was a treasure trove of history and culture, showcasing not only the legacy of Jenang Kudus but also fascinating artifacts from Turkey, Egypt, and beyond. It was a captivating experience that deepened our appreciation for the rich heritage of Kudus.
Before departing for Sleman that afternoon, we were delighted by generous gifts from PT Mubarokfood Cipta Delicia, making the trip even more unforgettable. A heartfelt thank you to Pak Hilmy and his family for their incredible hospitality, inspiring stories, and kindness.